Sunday 16 October 2011

Digidesign .... now known as AVID.

Digidesign, the creators of SoundTools and ProTools. Technological masters!

There creation of sound tools in 1989, has sparked the revolution of the DAW (digital audio workstation.)
We have now seen the effects of this as almost every recording studio in the world will own one digital studio equipped with Pro Tools or a similar program e.g. Live 8 or Logic Pro.

With this we can edit audio to a degree that was not possible on tape!  in saying this i am aware that there are a lot of purist analogue recording geniuses out there and i know that there are sounds that cannot be replicated digitally... yet! but i believe the extent in which we can play with the audio has increased immeasurably.

With digital recordings comes digital formats of audio and with this portable music player such as Ipods and MP3's have taken of....

A recent trend with these DAW's is to produce electronic music entirely made up of  MIDI instruments. (see my post on MIDI.)

What i am trying to say is that with out Evan Brooks and Peter Gotcher and their company Digidesign none of these things would be avaliable to us!

Here is a link to an interview with Evan Brooks, he talks on how the company came about i highly recommend this!

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