
Hi, my name is Kane (3spada), I am a young musician based in Melbourne, Victoria. I'm a performer, producer, audio recording engineer and sound technician. i am currently studying at RMIT University for a bachelor of arts in the music indusrty.

First and foremost i am a guitarist and have been for going on 8years now, however i only got serious within the last 2 years. I produce electronic music in my spare time i began at the start of the year and have been slowly improving my music. For the past two years i have been avidly following audio technicians and the work they do, my interests in music technology extend from live sound to mixing and mastering within a studio.

This Blog essentially explores the evolution of the music industry, ranging from the hardware and musical instruments to the software used my many DJ's and producers. This is a topic that i find extremely interesting and i hope to be able to pass on my research to you all, in the hopes that it will further your own understanding of music.

Don' be shy to comment and message me on twitter and give me advise i would love to hear from any followers.