Saturday 20 August 2011

Web 2.0 social networking: Sound cloud.

Ahoy and welcome to another enthralling post!

So ... Im sure we have all heard of sound cloud 'the music sharing site for any musician!'

The site offers a chance for musicians of any level with a varying quality tracks, to upload their music follow and be followed by musicians. The artist can create a free profile where they can upload 120minutes of music, simple waveform widget to share via Facebook and your other favourite social networking sites.

Sound cloud offers more than just a chance for upcoming artists and producers, it also it a site for venues, managers and promoters where people can listen to the tracks that others represent and can assess the quality of the business managing the bands.

Features:   Sound Cloud features a number of ways to connect with your friends and fellow musicians via many social networking/ blog sites. It also allows the artist to upload their tracks from their phones with over 100 apps to chose from. 

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